Ok so this just happened.
I was ON the blog, and then I changed my page to facebook but for some reason at the very top of my browser, the picture froze. Not only that, It's Macauley Culkin's (howevertheeffyouspellit) FACE.
No matter WHAT WEBSITE i go to, Macauley is STARING AT ME. Like I"m so creeped out.
that's all.
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.
Monday, January 31, 2011
It finally happened...
I got my first power strawberry surf rider Jamba today (shout out Kyle for being my Jamba flavor twin). Usually I just get original size because that's about all I can handle, but Cierra always gets power, so I finally broke down and tried it. Also, I feel like I should take advantage of being able to purchase a whole bladder's worth of Jamba this year while it comes out of my meal plan, since I know next year I won't want to pony up the money to buy one. I can't report how the power size is working for me since I'm still currently drinking it and probably will be for the next 10 years of my life, but so far so good.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cierra is the bestest.
1. We have lunch dates every Friday, it's realz great.
2. We're blood sisters.
3. This Friday, she made me take a wheat grass shot. IT WAS THE MOST DISGUSTING THING EVER.
4. She drank 2 Power Jambas in 1 day.
5. We like food.
So here's what happened... We went to Jamba on Friday and we ordered our Power drinks. Then, after staring at the wheat grass shot maker and she was like OMG let's do one.. After peer-pressure overload, I agreed. Worst decision ever made. It did come with a OJ shot for after, but still. It freaking tasted like grass every time we burped after that. For real gross. Anyways, then while walking home from the Wilk she said "You know, we're always right about the things we are right about." It was the most valid thing she said all day, therefore she's the bestest. Case closed.
Xoxo- me.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice are re-runs tonight, AND Modern Family wasn't on last night. What the heck is their problem!? What am I supposed to do with my Thursday night now!?!?! Lame.
Welp, that is all.
Goodbye now.
Just one more...
then I swear I'm going to study. Our blog's number of posts was chillin at 69, and we couldn't have that. Plus, this one ALMOST made me laugh out loud in the middle of the awkwardly (hawkwardly?) quiet library.
A (slightly sarcastic) tribute to EFY
aaaaand, I'm out.
A (slightly sarcastic) tribute to EFY
aaaaand, I'm out.
Oh and also...
"Mormons love to nourish and strengthen themselves. Since sociologists first started tracking the most frequently mentioned subjects in Mormon prayers, it has been found, that not since 1942 has a meal prayer been uttered that didn’t contain the phrase or some derivative thereof “bless this food, that it may nourish and strengthen us”. It was only later in the 50’s that same food was also “doing us the good that we need."
Thank you Things Mormons Like. And yes, I am blog stalking from the library instead of studying for my stats test. Thanks for asking.
Thank you Things Mormons Like. And yes, I am blog stalking from the library instead of studying for my stats test. Thanks for asking.
Hot or Not list: week 3
Attention SDSU:
You just got Jimmered.
Also, check out Stuff BYU People Like. It kind of captures the ridiculous BYU culture perfectly. Plus, the most recent post is a tribute to Jimmer. Mormon satyr and Jimmer all in one place- what more could you ask for?
Also, check out Stuff BYU People Like. It kind of captures the ridiculous BYU culture perfectly. Plus, the most recent post is a tribute to Jimmer. Mormon satyr and Jimmer all in one place- what more could you ask for?
what I did tonight instead of sleep
Stay awake. All night
Get way too ahead in homework
Maybe cry a little in frustration
Call my dad at 4:30 Texas time for help, successfully waking up and pissing him off
Find out I need to see a doctor
Proceed to make doctor appt
Try to sleep
Realize that after 3 days this is a lost cause
Blog about it all.
Get way too ahead in homework
Maybe cry a little in frustration
Call my dad at 4:30 Texas time for help, successfully waking up and pissing him off
Find out I need to see a doctor
Proceed to make doctor appt
Try to sleep
Realize that after 3 days this is a lost cause
Blog about it all.
Don't worry...
My phone autocorrects Cierra's name to DISTRACTED. Perfect. It knows her too too well.
this is what happens when I miss the deadline for a Chemistry EXTRA CREDIT PROBLEM! One problem. Just one. and I did the 23 that I didn't even have to freaking do. I'M SO MAD.
I just needed to rant.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
can we just talk about...
the raping that SDSU just endured. that's what im talking about. love my boys.
oh and p.s. will you marry me jimmer?
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
So these...
Are the things that my pantry/refrigerator of my future home is required to have stocked up full at all times.
1. Goldfish
2. Lucky Charms
3. Minute Maid Lite Lemonade cans
4. Craisins
5. Whipped Raspberry Yogurt
6. Popcorn.
7. Dk chocolate covered Acai berries.
On the off chance you even cared to know.
1. Goldfish
2. Lucky Charms
3. Minute Maid Lite Lemonade cans
4. Craisins
5. Whipped Raspberry Yogurt
6. Popcorn.
7. Dk chocolate covered Acai berries.
On the off chance you even cared to know.
Uh huh.
4 of us are gathered eating various foods watching Pretty Little Liars.
Cierra: Cheese block and Tostitos.
Britt: Lucky Charms.
Becca: Pepsi and Pizza.
Me: Wheat Thins and Cheese.
Nutritious food and an amazing TV show. Look at us living up the college experience.
Have a good day. :)
Xoxo- Me.
in case you were wondering...
96 on my anatomy test! ya i freakin punished that beast!
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Sunday, January 23, 2011
on to the next one...
season two of house starts..... tomorrow after church.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Oh my heavens...
I would just like to say that it was just a wonderful thing to be approximately only 5 feet away from this gorgeous girl today at Sundance...

Dear Zooey, I wish you would've seen the bewildered look on my face as I gazed upon yours, you probably would've laughed. :) LOVE, your biggest fan ever.
^Thats what I need to say to her right now, so if you have any connections to this chick, just let me know.
Well, I waited in line for 4 hours to see the premier of her new movie just to have some lady tell us they were sold out. Thus, it was quite an uneventful day besides being in Zooey's presence for 5 mins. NO BIG DEAL AT ALL.
Alright, I'm done.. Gotta go watch the season finale of House Season 1, good work girls. :)
Xoxo- me.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
1. blow up balloon
2. paper mache (howeveryouspellit)
3. yarn
4. wrap.
5. hang to dry
6. pop balloon.
sooooo crafty!!! :)
2. paper mache (howeveryouspellit)
3. yarn
4. wrap.
5. hang to dry
6. pop balloon.
sooooo crafty!!! :)
the moment you have all been waiting for...
this weeks hot or not list!

1. Neil Patrick Harris

2. Jamba Juice
3. Sperrys
4. www.dearblankpleaseblank.com
5. Jimmer Fredette
1.Justin Bieber
3. Ugg boots with shorts
4. American Idol
5. Jack Gauthier

you're welcome.
xoxo- B and the Real Slim Shady
i will be
...studying French all night long.
Go me.
Its a good thing I have a beautiful picture of the Eiffel tower up on my wall to inspire me.
Go me.
Its a good thing I have a beautiful picture of the Eiffel tower up on my wall to inspire me.
I am so sick of...
The Cannon Center, and I've only been back 3 weeks. What's even sadder is that tonight was the first time I've eaten there since being back. We've got a serious problem.
oh and stay tuned later tonight kiddies because we're going to be posting this weeks hot or not list.
oh and stay tuned later tonight kiddies because we're going to be posting this weeks hot or not list.
i freakin punished my anatomy test today!! and im gunna punish my chemistry test in a few hours. that is all.
oh wait and ps. private practice is on tonight. im good at.... well you know..
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Lil' Wayne on The Bible
"I also read the Bible for the first time. It was deep! I liked the parts where some character was once this, but he ended up being that. Like he'd be dissing Jesus, and then he ends up being a saint. That was cool."
-Lil' Wayne
So deep.
-Lil' Wayne
So deep.
My Type
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
uhhh yeah?
It is so necessary for this to become our mob's theme song when we are doing homework and such.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
general public who park in Helaman Halls parking lot for the basketball game making it impossible for me to park where I'm legitimately allowed to and forcing me to drive around for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot,
Get at me.
Sincerely, a really pissed off David John resident.
newest obsession of the week...
you're welcome.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Monday, January 17, 2011
there is a new pretty little liars tonight. also chuck starts again today. oh and big bang theory on thursday. yes this week is going to be splendid. that is all.
xoxo-the Real Slim Shady
Where's the...
Taylor Swift song about being really tired of all the guys you already know and wanting to meet new guys who you might have some potential with? That's one song I could relate to.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I felt the need to share this with the world.
Day in review.
adventures of today:
no worries, we were everywhere.
no worries, we were everywhere.
BYU wilkinson center for Hot Bread and Jamba Juice
Then to University Mall
To purchase:
These at Journeys for me:
and these for Cierra:
And Corinne needed goodies from here:
And then we went on a mad quest to find THIS little sucker of an amazing movie:
We had to go to this place first anyway for drugs (not the bad kind, the meds kind i swear) and fresh fruit and pizza and pizza rolls and whatnot and decided to look for the movie there, but this place was being stupid in their movie selection so we moved on.
So we walked down the street to here, and this place had a laughably stupid selection.
So then we took some very dangerous left turns to get across the street to HERE and we were again disappointed.
And then we decided, HEY Blockbuster has movies, surely they have this stupid movie available for purchase. But no.
Too bad that while we were there we realized they had a 5 for 20 deal and we picked up 5 awesome movies instead of the one we were actually looking for.
BUT the trek continued. And we were FINALLY TRUIMPHANT! Bless the following place for being the most mormon department store on the planet and carrying Easy A.
(*i mean feel free to insert legendary triumphant music here if you wanna*)
side note: on the way back to Corinne's terribly bad parked car we decided to stop into the nice little Seagull book to see if they had her voice music book. GUESS WHAT. They didn't.
So THEN we got home and decided to start watching Easy A, although we had about roughly 9827340 interruptions due to a million pounds of laundry and needing to take out the recycling (because we're hippies and earth conservative and jazz like that)
So then later on I realized my fantastically adorable new VANS were like just a tad too small, and Rebecca wanted to go check out the Victoria's secret sale, so back to the mall we (at least Cierra, Rebecca, and I) went. But FIRST we decided to stop HERE
to get frikin ugly sweaters and stuff (at least Cierra and Rebecca wanted them)
But then we didn't even end up getting any, so that was cool.
Okay, so back to the mall. After exchanging the shoes and unfortunately having to get them shipped to me in like a few days, we totally checked out that Victoria's secretness again. But that didn't end up working out so hot, and then Becca wanted some high tops and we checked a few stores (Zumiez, Pac Sun to be exact), and after we were done stealing lotion samplers from Bath and Body Works...
We knew it was entirely necessary in the cold weather to get some hot chocolate from Starbucks. NOT COFFEE, who do you think we are?! But yes. Since Starbucks doesn't exist and to some people equates to a swear word in our BYU bubble, we jumped at the chance to get some of that.
Well that's about it. But wait! Dont even worry. The soundtrack of the evening was none other than that of the beautiful wonderful talent of the LONELY ISLAND FEAT. AKON (you know you love some Andy and Jorma) and SLIM SHADY what what.
Youz jelez. Daz all. Gnight.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
You guys should...
check this out.
In case you don't know what's up, people send in anonymous postcards with their secrets on them to this guy, Frank Warren, who then posts them on a blog every Saturday night and makes books out of them too. You'll be surprised how many of them actually match your own. Happy secreting.
In case you don't know what's up, people send in anonymous postcards with their secrets on them to this guy, Frank Warren, who then posts them on a blog every Saturday night and makes books out of them too. You'll be surprised how many of them actually match your own. Happy secreting.
While these chicks were marathon watching TV...
I was shredding double diamonds over at Park City with my dad who was here for the weekend. No bigs though, I'm hardcore... Feel free to be impressed... I'm kind of a big deal... and other such self important, cliche phrases.
No worries though guys, I'm back and the DJ 5 is complete again (minus Katrina who's at her show tonight. Shout out!) The crazy adventuring can begin again. aaaand GO!
No worries though guys, I'm back and the DJ 5 is complete again (minus Katrina who's at her show tonight. Shout out!) The crazy adventuring can begin again. aaaand GO!
the quest for easy a
so dont worry. brittany, corinne, and i wanted to get easy a really bad. oh so we went to maceys, rite aid, walgreens, blockbuster, and then finally shop ko had it. good thing too. corinne was about to punch out everybody if we couldnt find it.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Today we are actually going to do something with our lives... Rebecca is skiing with her padre, Cierra, Britt and I are going to the mall and Katrina is going to her show!!! OH MY GOODNESS ALL OF US HAVE PLANS I MEAN WHAT!?! The world will end tonight. It's got to happen. Ok love you byyyyeeeee.
xoxo. me.
Friday, January 14, 2011
oh and also...
in the off chance that Eminem and I have relationship issues and end up not being together, I will gladly take either of the men below.

that is all.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Oh, so you wanna know
what 3 of the DJ 5 have been doing for the past 8 hours? Only laying in our PJs watching multiple episodes of House and How I Met Your Mother... nbd. To quote Cierra: "You guys, I'm really glad we have lives... and boyfriends." Ah man, she's a jokester. Love that chick. Welp, just an update on what has been happening around here.. Keep it classy.
Xoxo- me.
Theme song of our lives: (to the tune of 'shots')

How I Met Your Mother...

Fresh prizes
Dear gang-bangers of the world, and members of the mafia.
In the event that I treat you or your close friends and/or family psychologically, and Cierra and Corinne treat you or your close friends and/or family medically, or Rebecca prescribes you drugs, or Katrina preforms some inappropriately timed Christmas songs.
THESE are the lavish prizes and gifts we would like to receive from you.
1. Our own Hawaiian islands (each)
2. Fancy jewels and such
3. Everything out of the Anthropologie catalog.
4. A Steve Madden store being our own personal shoe closets.
5. The itunes company. Unlimited music forever.
6. A nice italian restaurant.
7. Personal masseuse
8. Give me ownership of McDonalds (i just want the money, not the crappy food)
9. Our kids get automatic acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, (and if you wouldn't mind finding our own obviously misplaced acceptance letters too, that would be cool)
10. The following people to be delivered to us on a silver platter: Eminem for Cierra, Gaspard Ulliel for Brittany, Zac Efron for Corinne, Chace Crawford for Rebecca, and Sufjan Stevens for Katrina. Plus. Also Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Blake Lively, and Scarlett Johanssen. To be our best friends.
11. Gregory House. I don't know why. Just House. nuff said.
12. Personal servant, I mean butler, for moments like these when all we want is hot bread and jamba juice.
13. Barney Stinson. To keep us on our A game. Also, please please make Neil Patrick Harris straight.
14. Make my dreams come true. Kthanks :)
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