
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cheesin' it up in here.

You win some, you lose some.

I know I sounded a little pessimistic lately, so I just wanted every one to see I am alive and breathing, death did not come over me. Today, I got my Chem test back that I died on, and I felt like crying. BUT then, I went to Calculus and discovered I got a 100 on that test. So no, you can’t win em all, but I got this freaking awesome t-shirt from the Math Department for getting a genius score or something. Obviously I got the one with Einstein's face on it, I thought it was the best choice, and as you can see I'm only a little bit excited to have him on my shirt.

sly I

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