
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i had a dream...

last night. so basically me and corinne went to a flee market and bought these really ugly teal and peach shirts for like 15 bucks. (not a combo of the colors, mine was peach and hers was teal). anyway. after that, we went to nordstrom where they were selling those really ugly shirts, however they were fresh out. of course the people in the back room were freaking out because this shirt was their most popular item at this point. so corinne and i had the brilliant idea of selling our shirts to nordstrom. $450 dollars later, i was too too happy. you can imagine my frustration when i woke up and didnt have 450 extra dollars laying around. so lame. kbye.

xoxo- the Real Slim Shady

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