I am in total agreement with Corinne. And clearly our votes are the only two that matter :)
Jokes. For real though, we all said we would post over the summer and keep each other updated with our lives, but that kinda failed. I say we start now and make this happen. I am also in agreement about forming the sisterhood of the traveling [item].
<3 B
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.
We are an exclusive gang that mobs in David John. That is what is up.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Uhhh I hereby propose that this blog be turned into a private little thing were we post love letters to each other. Also, I feel like I want to be like the sisterhood of the traveling pants with you guys- but I don't have pants, nor any other idea what could travel between us. But I miss you all, and obviously am creepy and want to know your life. Plus I think it'd be really sweet, especially since I'm not going back to the Y and will feel all left out. ANYWAY, let me know what you think- we need an item, and to write each other on here..... please...... :) LOVE YOU ALL.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
well, i've been home for a little over a week now. i miss my fellow mobsters sooooo bad. nothin too excited happening in the 949. (for those fools that dont know, thats my area code). work is kickin my butt, but in a good way. anywhooooo. countin down the days until becca, britt bivs, and my blood sister come. offical count down below.
Becca- no one is entirely sure when she is coming, however i'm still excited
Britt Bivs- also not sure when shes coming, but excited none the less
Blood Sister- 15 weeks or 3 months and 2 weeks or 3 months and 14 days or 104 days
okay so i still have a while before i get to see these girls again. saddness has just overcome me.
welp stay classy world.
xoxo- The Real Slim Shady
Becca- no one is entirely sure when she is coming, however i'm still excited
Britt Bivs- also not sure when shes coming, but excited none the less
Blood Sister- 15 weeks or 3 months and 2 weeks or 3 months and 14 days or 104 days
okay so i still have a while before i get to see these girls again. saddness has just overcome me.
welp stay classy world.
xoxo- The Real Slim Shady
Thursday, April 21, 2011
We're all packing up, 2 of us saying good bye to BYU til next fall, 2 of us staying for spring, and 1 loner who will not be returning- me.
Reality hit me today when I saw my good-old-friend Holly leave. Like packing our rooms up didn't send me the message that this is it- I cried and realized we're done. It's weird to think that we've been here for 8 months. Although the DJ 5 has only been mobbin' the halls of this dorm for half of them, it went by WAY fast. Nevertheless, I am stoked to be done with the first of a million years of school I have left.
Welp, I leave you with my mixed emotions to cram for a final I have tomorrow- HOORAY ME.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Birfday Weekend.
Welp, forever ago the DJ 5 plus some awesome tag-a-longs (Emilee and Brittany B.) went to SLC for a weekend of fun to celebrate Cierra's Birthday...This is what had happened.

First a all, we surprised C and didn't tell her where we were going for dinner :) tehehe.
Girls of the backseat :)
Front Seat Ladies :)
Naturally, we went to Cheesecake Factory!
Blood Sisters
Da' Group.

Nextly, we drove to and checked into the hotel, graciously provided by Mama B (Rebecca's Mom) THANKS!
Just a pic of the ride ova.
AND THENNN, we went to the Gateway mall where BT and I spent wayyy too much money :)
AND THENNN, we went back to the hotel for some great adventures. PICTURE OVERLOAD.
I stole Brittany Bivings bow and decided to be a 5 year old.
Roomie Lovin.
Crazy Girls :)
8th Grade Mirror Picturez for lyfe.
The whole gang before Hot Tubbin'
After swimmin for a bit, we decided we were hungry, so it was obviously a great idea to go to the Maverick down the street lookin like fools.
Elevator Shot.
There's no doubt in my mind that the Fashion Police would've tazed us and taken us to prison.

Impecable shoe choice, ladies.
Just chillin in the back seat.
After winning multiple trivia games at the gas station, reaping the benefits with lots of candy, we returned to the hotel and partied all night long.... Lies, we watched a movie and got to bed before 3AM, unheard of. The next day, we chowed down on the breakfast buffet, hung out in the room, and then the blizzard hit and ruined the rest of our plans. BUT, no worries, we all had a blasty-blast and returned home... to sleep more :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My 19 favorite things about Cierra for this amazing chick’s 19th birthday:
1. She has really great sayings, like “That’s so great” and “This is such a problem.”
2. Even when she’s upset about something she gets over it really fast and doesn’t stay upset. She’s always back to her happy self in no time.
3. She makes me go to my classes and not ditch. That alone is quite an accomplishment.
4. She’s just as sarcastic as me and doesn’t sugarcoat things, which makes us get along quite well.
5. Her laugh is contagious, especially late at night when she does her deep crazy-person laugh.
6. Out of everyone I wrote Christmas letters to, she was the only one who wrote me back.
7. We have matching sleepers and laptop covers, the second of which was entirely unplanned.
8. She lets me have sleepovers in her bed with her, even though I know she doesn’t sleep as well when I’m there and would be much more comfortable without me all up in her space.
9. She makes the greatest faces in pictures that provide endless entertainment
10. She can laugh at herself (like in said pictures).
11. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and doesn’t let what other people think get to her.
12. We can easily kill hours together doing the stupidest stuff like playing Sporcle or pyramid solitaire and still have a super fun time.
13. She’s gotten me addicted to countless things like Jamba, chocolate covered Acai berries, Pretty Little Liars, crazy bread, Eminem, etc.
14. She’s always been there for me when I needed her, and I know I can talk to her about anything and she’ll listen and won’t judge me.
15. She’s always up for random adventures, like roaming Helaman halls in masks and harassing people.
16. She never gets annoyed with me when I practically live in her room, camp out in her nook, or leave my stuff in her room, which happens daily.
17. She teaches me cool stuff about anatomy and took me to the anatomy lab to see the cadavers.
18. We’re so crazy similar that it’s scary sometimes.
19. We’re going to be roommates next year, which I’m so unbelievably excited for.
I hope you have an absolutely amazing birthday <3
Thursday, April 7, 2011
We suck.
You've all been hazed by our prolonged absence. Stop crying, there will be plenty of posts after this weekend. <3
Saturday, March 26, 2011
So many colors.
Since it has been approximately 8 years since anyone blogged last, I decided it would be appropriate to throw a few pictures up from the Holi Festival of Colors that we partook in today. It was, in a word, legit.
Behold the colors.
Behold the colors.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Monster Ball.

xoxo. me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cheesin' it up in here.

You win some, you lose some.
I know I sounded a little pessimistic lately, so I just wanted every one to see I am alive and breathing, death did not come over me. Today, I got my Chem test back that I died on, and I felt like crying. BUT then, I went to Calculus and discovered I got a 100 on that test. So no, you can’t win em all, but I got this freaking awesome t-shirt from the Math Department for getting a genius score or something. Obviously I got the one with Einstein's face on it, I thought it was the best choice, and as you can see I'm only a little bit excited to have him on my shirt.
sly I
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Already put this on Cierra's FB wall...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
this is my first post in such a long time but i just wanna tell EVERYBODY that i am with one of the coolest peeps i know. little miss emilee no middle name crowder. in honor of how cool she is and my love for harry potter, i felt it would be nice to show these two things combined. he it is. emilee as dobby.

youre welcome.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Friday, March 4, 2011
So anyone following this blog needs to also check out mine. I just brought it back from the abyss and I'm actually rather fond of it :)
Just sayin.
Just sayin.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Also we will be making these in our various apartments next year.
Cake batter pancakes. It's a done deal.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
We just finished Season 2, finally. But the season finale was insane. I don't even know what to do with myself right now. I'm in love with this show.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It's been a while.
Since all of us have been a little lazy in our blogging lately, I decided it was time to do a little catch up post. Here's what's been going on up in the DJ 5 these days.
Cierra and Becca go to Ke$ha and get sleazy. We discovered that Cierra really does have personal space issues, but she did really well considering the circumstances. We also made friends with the really cute gay guys that were standing in front of us.
Sometimes we like to go lurk at IHOP late at night when we really should be doing homework instead. Sometimes we even bring homework with us to make it look like we're pretending to work. Also, ignore how seriously uncomfortable I look in the picture below. Not sure what was going on.
- The same night we hit up IHOP, Cierra and I were attempting to attack BC while she was in the shower as payback for her attacking Katrina, but alas, our attempts ended with Cierra's head getting shoved into the bathroom door, giving her a pretty gnarly goose egg on her forehead. Cute.
- BT and Corinne recently became Mary Kay reps and are becoming quite the successful little business women. Not to mention all the free makeovers and facials for the rest of us.
- We finally figured out housing for next year for sure. The DJ 5 is officially down to a DJ 2. Corinne is off to far away lands and new adventures (aka WashU). Katrina is living in a house with some other girls. And sadly, BT will not be joining us at Foxwood next year. That just leaves me and Cierra, who will be living with Hannah Drew and Brittany Bivings. It will be sad to see us all split up, but I'm sure we'll still stay close, and this year certainly won't be the last you'll see of us.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I need to give a shout out...
to Cierra. Last night (well actually this morning around 2) as I was having a freak out about my stats quiz today, she basically saved my life by showing me how to use the magic button on my calculator that does my stats problems for me. I think I'm in love*.
Oh and I got 100% on my stats quiz this morning, nbd or anything.
*with the magic button, not Cierra. Just clarifying.
Oh and I got 100% on my stats quiz this morning, nbd or anything.
*with the magic button, not Cierra. Just clarifying.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Today was a good day.
Hey blog stalkers. It's been a while.
Cierra was in a good mood this morning, which doesn't happen every day. When Cierra aint happy, no one's happy. She's been sups hyp all day, which is always entertaining. After church it was so nice outside so we laid outside and did homework, messed around, and took really cute pictures of all of us.
Then the Grammys were tonight, and even though Marsh didn't win most of his nominations (see Cierra's previous post... er rant), it was an overall entertaining night filled with Lady Gaga (Lady Antagagum?) coming out of an egg, Cierra squealing over Eminem, Katrina and Adam canoodling (oops, was I not supposed to share that?), and me correctly predicting the first 5 Grammy winners.
Currently its getting pretty crazy up in 2219. Cierra's in one of those moods, Katrina's actually hanging out with us, and my Hannah and I are watching the two of them alternate between raping each other and rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably. Yup, it's been a good day for sure.
Cierra was in a good mood this morning, which doesn't happen every day. When Cierra aint happy, no one's happy. She's been sups hyp all day, which is always entertaining. After church it was so nice outside so we laid outside and did homework, messed around, and took really cute pictures of all of us.
Then the Grammys were tonight, and even though Marsh didn't win most of his nominations (see Cierra's previous post... er rant), it was an overall entertaining night filled with Lady Gaga (Lady Antagagum?) coming out of an egg, Cierra squealing over Eminem, Katrina and Adam canoodling (oops, was I not supposed to share that?), and me correctly predicting the first 5 Grammy winners.
Currently its getting pretty crazy up in 2219. Cierra's in one of those moods, Katrina's actually hanging out with us, and my Hannah and I are watching the two of them alternate between raping each other and rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably. Yup, it's been a good day for sure.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
were great. eminem rapped. i jumped for joy. he won an award. i may or may not have cried. arcade fire won album of the year. i almost threw my phone at the tv. scotts friends said eminem was coming out to rap another song. he didnt. i almost cried. basically that was just a terrible end to an otherwise splendid grammys. oh and also. i didnt like when lady antebellum won over marshall either.
that is all.
xoxo- the Real Slim Shady
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
my sister...
is going to be on the new episode of Tabitha's Salon Takeover tonight! im so proud.
xoxo, the Real Slim Shady
Troll 2
Watched this movie last night. Rotten tomatoes gave it a 0%...which was completely justified. It is known to be one of the worst movies made. Weird things happen: like popcorn make-outs
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Today was an incredible day. I defeated my Chem 106 Test, watched a movie, did my calc homework, walked around to 3 different dorms to find an oven that wasn't being used, make cookies and awkwardly talked with Cierra as 2 guys were listening in, then watched tv with her all night. WOW. Definite success I'd say. Don't be jealous.
Xoxo- Me.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
So, I'm just sittin here, not doing homework as I should, eating chips and salsa, ALL THANKS TO CIERRA :) MY BLOOD SISTA, and I come across this fact...
Tomorrow is going to be a stinkin' long day, so knowing this will make it so much better.
(Commence happy dance)
Xoxo- me.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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